Difficulty: DEFCON 2
Rank: Corporal (OR-4)
Hit Rate:35%
Score: C
Battle of Suomi-3
NUNS Nexus Expeditionary Fleet (Commander Armaros ibn Is mail al-Fulan, Despotis m)
Alliance: General Galaxy Garrison Fleet (PO2 Phanuel Ioannou Iakovou, Paternal Autocracy)
Neutral: The Cult of Angel (Zero, Radical Socialis m)
Enemy: Suominen Insurgent Army (Durand Bruel, Anarchist Socialis m)
Operation Tuonela
NUNS Nexus Expeditionary Fleet (Commander Armaros ibn Is mail al-Fulan, Despotis m)
Alliance: General Galaxy Garrison Fleet (PO2 Phanuel Ioannou Iakovou, Paternal Autocracy)
Neutral: The Cult of Angel (Zero, Radical Socialis m)
Enemy: The Stainless Black Rainbow (Ezrael ben David, Anarchist Socialis m)
Battle of Windermere Kingdom
NUNS 77th Air Force (Lieutenant Commander Wright Immelman, Despotis m)
Alliance: The 7th Macross Fleet Expeditio